Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Family Reunion 07

We went camping for the family reunion this year and Eden really enjoyed herself. Here is her enjoying food that's been cooked over the open fire and her guarding the watermelon. I included the photo of Eden and her dad for all of those people who can't remember what Alma looks like without a beard.


Erin said...

That's great! I'd love to see a picture of a "hairless" Alma. I am not sure I would recognize him! By the way, who is that holding Eden?

Har Har, Love you guys,
Erin and Joe

Lexi and Jordan said...

Her dad certainly looks younger. I think going door to door makes him more missionary like. :) The family reunion looked like fun!

voldybear said...

She gaurds that watermelon well :) Eden has gotten so big!