Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Corban's growing

Corban has grown to 11 pounds and 7 ounces now. He offers a wide range of emotions from one second to the next. We hope that he will soon learn to sleep for longer than just two hour intervals.
I'm afraid that I have not been able to take very many photos of him because he really hates to be put down.


Lexi and Jordan said...

He is a cutie! The first 3 months are SO tough. I am glad we are out of that stage. Good luck!

Russell Family said...

Awww...I kinda miss that stage now, except the sleeplessness...

Erin said...

He is a beaut! There is a strong resemblance between siblings in your family, I think. What does Eden think of her new brother now that the "honey moon" has worn off and she knows he is around to stay??